3 Cute, Comfy Looks for the Super Bowl!

cute, comfy, outfits, superbowl

Well Super Bowl Sunday is upon us. I honestly didn’t even know who was playing till I looked it up yesterday. While I am no expert in the sport I can watch the game and have a decent idea about what’s going on.

But Super Bowl Sunday is more than just a sport, or at least that’s how I grew up. Super Bowl Sunday means family and friend gatherings and delicious unhealthy food. Also who doesn’t love the half time show and the commercials!?

Since often times growing up I was either going to hang out with friends or being at a church event (anyone else’s church do a Super Bowl Party?). I feel the need to dress somewhat cute for the event.

So I wanted to share with y’all 3 outfits I recommend for the up coming Super Bowl events. Now my main criteria to these outfits and, to my life in general, is that


  1. It has to be cute.
  2. It HAS to be comfy (who wants to wear something uncomfortable while there are eating pizza?)


So I went through my closet and this is what I found.

Option 1-

I wanted this outfit to be a little sportier. So I always pick my pants first and I love these pants. I got them from Old Navy and I wear them on a weekly basis. They are a cute sporty pant. They remind me of a skinny jean but without all the tightness.

My top, surprise! Is also from Old Navy. It’s just a cute flannel top that I love to pair with a tank or tee underneath. Pair this outfit with a cute pair of boots or some TOMS and I’m good to go! I love this outfit because it is so comfy and looks like I actually tried to put myself somewhat together!


Option 2-

Like I said, I did not even know who was playing in this Super Bowl until I looked it up yesterday. And I actually don’t have any Eagles or Patriots fan attire. So we will just have to get a little creative with this one!

So for this outfit I reached for my denim skirt (also from Old Navy). I have always loved denim skirts, and I’m glad they are starting to make a come back. I love how you can dress them down or dress them up; they can work for summer or winter.

For this outfit I thought you could pair the denim skirt with any of your fan attire and really dress it up. You could pair it with a jersey, with team color tops, team scarf, or tights. I think by doing it this way it still lets you support your team but adds a girly side to football!


Option 3-

This is more than likely going to be my attire, but now that I’m married I find it more fun just to stay home sometimes! I love these Victoria Secret Pink pants. Also I thought I would keep up with the sporty scene of the day and wear my WKU comfy shirt.


My plans will most likely be to wear this outfit all day, eat some pizza, and to watch the game with my hubby from home. Happy Super Bowl Weekend!