Proverbs 31: A Virtuous Woman – A Beautiful Heart.

A Virtuous Woman - A Beautiful Heart.

I can’t believe these are my last two verses of my Proverbs 31 reading journey.  I have learned so much from these verses about a virtuous woman.  I pray my notes have been as helpful to you in growing your relationship with the Lord, as it has been helpful to me.  

I wish I could say I have instantly become a virtuous woman, but it is a journey.  Everyday just trying to love Jesus and my family more.

So let’s discuss the last two verses – Is your heart beautiful?

Proverbs 31: A Virtuous Woman - A Beautiful Heart.

Since having a baby, I know for sure the woman’s body changes.  Not in a bad way, but things never completely go back to the pre-baby body.  I even started getting my first gray hairs when I was first married around the age of twenty-five.  Oh how soon, we as women learn that “beauty” does not last.

I believe God made men and women different.  There is something special and beautiful about a woman’s body.  I read an interesting book that argued how women are the “crown of creation.”  Other than the Sabbath rest day, we are the last thing that God created.  

That should make us a feel a little special.  😉

As women, I feel we are all beautiful in our own different and unique ways.  Some of us have luxurious hair, or gorgeous skin.  Some of us have a perfect smile or dreamy eyes.  

One thing I notice, as women, we often forget we only look “perfectly beautiful” maybe ten percent of the time.

Most of us especially as mothers, we have pulled back hair, with baby hairs growing back ( postpartum hair loss is no joke), we have no makeup on, we most likely have sweatpants on with a food stains somewhere on us. 

While I am blessed to have a husband who would still tell me I look beautiful, I know that is not the word I would choose.

I am reminded of the Bible story when Samuel is going to choose King David to be king of Israel. 

Based off appearance, David was not Samuel’s first pick.  But God said –

Proverbs 31: A Virtuous Woman - A Beautiful Heart.

So let me ask – Is your heart beautiful?

Most people are remembered for their beautiful character and heart, instead of just their beautiful face.

True beauty is a pure heart, a clean tongue, serving hands, a kind spirit, and a love for others above yourself.

So as a virtuous woman, on the days you are wearing sweatpants, know that your lasting beauty comes from the Lord.  While its okay to dab on some concealer and coat your lashes with mascara – The beauty the Lord provides you with is a beautiful heart.

Proverbs 31: A Virtuous Woman - A Beautiful Heart.

I also really like the KJV version – “Give her the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”

It says let her “deeds” publicly praise her, not let her words or other people praise her.  

Are we living as virtuous women for verbal praise?

I know sadly, sometimes I do.  As a mom, sometimes I selfishly want to hear – “Good job!”  “You’re amazing!”  “I don’t know how you do it!.”

A virtuous woman instead of waiting for her own praise, should be praising the Lord.  We should daily be praising – “I praise you Lord for giving me my children.”  “Thank you Lord for my husband’s job. “  “What a blessing this meal is.”  

Let my works praise the Lord and not myself.

I hope as a virtuous woman my deeds declare:

She loved her children.

She cherished her marriage.

She served her church.

She was an encouragement to others.

She showed Jesus through her words and her actions.

So remember :

Is your heart beautiful?



Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name – Smile – God Saw!!

Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name - Smile - God Saw!!

Once again, I am trying to be happily unaccomplished.  If you haven’t read my latest post about the Proverbs 31 woman, check it out here!

I had planned for this post to go up much much much sooner, but as we discussed… I am happily unaccomplished.

So now I am so excited to share with you more from my Bible study about the Proverbs 31 woman!

I hope and pray that your heart gets the same blessing that mine did.  Just from pondering a few verses about the Proverbs 31 Woman.

Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name - Smile - God Saw!!

Proverbs 31: 23 – “Her husband is known in the gates; when he sits among the elders of the land.”

Do you leave a good name for your husband?  Does your husband leave a good name for you?  

Isn’t it amazing how my character is not only a reflection of me, but of my husband as well.

Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name - Smile - God Saw!!

Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.”

When my husband and I became married, we became one.  Not only am I a character reflection of my husband but I am a character reflection of Christ.  

Take a moment and take some time to think, to reflect on your character…

How am I seen through my husbands eyes?  What do his friends think of me?  What does my community think of me?  Am I a reflection of Christ?

Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name - Smile - God Saw!!

Proverbs 31: 24 – “She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants.”

So to review what all this woman ALREADY does:

-seeks wool and flax

-brings food from a far

-provides food for the household

-considers a field and buys it

-stretches hands to distaff and holds spindle

-extends hand to poor and needy

-makes tapestry for herself

-AND NOW makes linen and sells it.

She is a woman of many talents…. But aren’t we all when we stop and think about it.

Think about even the small things we get done during the week.

-Dresses kids… or husband in my case  😉

-Grocery shopping

-Cooks multiple meals a day

-Works a full/part time job.  (Being a mom is a full time job just on its own.)

-Cleans the house

-Helps a friend whether through action or just listening

-Does something for herself whether that’s a hobby or just trying to get 5 minutes alone.  😉

Proverbs 31- A Virtuous Name - Smile - God Saw!!

The blessing in all this is the Lord sees all your labor!  Even when no one else does.

So my note to myself this week, is to remember that even my small and most repetitive tasks are important and can be done with a cheerful heart.

And when no one sees my work, or thanks me.   God knows…and He saw.

Leave a good name!

Make some linen, 

Or whatever your task at hand might be 😉

Smile… God saw!!!

Happy Friyay!

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt

~ March Goals 2018 ~

March Goals

Happy Thursday!!

Well March is about half way over so some might think I’m silly for just now sharing my goals… But better late than never! Right?! 😉

One thing I’ve learned about sitting goals is to start them right away. Even if half the month over. Whether that’s with working out, career goals, or reading your Bible. Never wait till a new month starts, just start now!

So here are my March goals that I have been trying to keep so far and hope to continue.


1)  Fitness – I have had work out goals for a long time, and honestly they never get completed. I start off great but usually by the second week, I’ve already fallen off the wagon. One thing I have learned from a YouTuber, Cambria Joy is to just give your self grace. If you fall off the wagon, its okay, it happens. Just get right back up and try again. So I’m trying again.  My goal is to make it to Planet Fitness 2 times a week. There has been 3 months I have had a membership there and never used it. So two times a week I thought would be something manageable to put into my schedule. I actually already failed that goal last week, only making it once… but remember grace! 😉

2)  This blog! I have loved blogging. I love writing and being able to share it. So I hope to upload at least twice a week sometimes three if I feel spunky enough.


3) Bible Study– I try to read my bible everyday. Now to be honest, sometimes I fail, and miss a whole week. So my goal is to be consistent. On the YouVersion Bible app on my phone, I follow the Bible reading plan called, Eat this book: One Year Bible with Daily Psalm. I have read the whole Old Testament so far, and I am half way through with the Book of Luke now. On this plan, you read 4-5 chapters a day. And it is super do able if you break it up through out the day!

4) Prayer – That is something that I have been growing in more this year than ever. I have a reminder set on my phone to go off every day to remind me to take a few moments and say a prayer. I feel it is very important in my Christian walk. Just like with Bible reading, with this some days I do great and some days I say,  “oh I’ll do it later.”  Consistency is key!  So that is one thing I want to continue working on.

So I hope my goals inspire you to make some goals for yourself. Remember it’s never too late!

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7