I am a toddler mom whose schedule never stays the same and is often always changing. This year, I decided to get the Home Edit Day Designer weekly and monthly planner.

I have always been a daily planner type of girl, where each day has its own page. I have several reviews on the different daily Day Designers on my YouTube channel. Click here if you would like to check it out.
Fall is my favorite season and I want to share some of my tips I use when planning my weeks and days in the Home Edit Day Designer Planner.

Click here to watch my video
This is for the week October 17th-23rd 2021
Before my tips, I must share… I absolutely love the week spread in the Home Edit Day Designer. It is perfect for busy moms that need to see the whole week when scheduling or trying to plan anything. It also helps you prioritize what needs to get done on certain days.
Now, onto my tips!

Always meal plan first.
This is a must for me and I even schedule the day I need to meal plan. Even trying to click list my grocery order can be stressful with a toddler, so I try to schedule it while my toddler is distracted. ;). I always follow this meal plan.
Monday – Mexican – Nacho mix, bean burritos, or tacos
Tuesday – Something with potatoes – baked potato, sweet potato and chicken mix, red potato salad. (Check my Pinterest for some of my favorites!)
Wednesday – Pasta – Spaghetti, Alfredo, Taco Pasta, Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad
Thursday – it’s okay to eat cereal. ;). I saw this meme and I am trying to embrace it. 😉 some nights momma needs a break.
Friday – anything but make double – chili, K loaf, fried rice
Saturday – leftovers
2. Everyday tasks
I try to go ahead and write my everyday tasks under where I wrote the meal plan. There is some extra space to write things down that are not super important. Tasks like – laundry, phone calls, chores to do.
3. Super important
Next, I write down what is super important that I must get done that day. Often with a toddler, I can only get one super important thing done along with everything else. There is space though to write down three important things per day.
4. Budget
I actually just started this habit but I write down what I spend each day at the top of the day. It is really eye opening to see what you can easily spend. Plus it helps you keep on budget.
5. I fill out the daily agenda Column
It lists the times from 6 am to 7 pm. This current week I have to take my son to his library class and I have a dentist appointment. I love the daily agenda column for each day. I have also tried doing a block schedule where I try to schedule everything by time.
9am-12pm – Morning chores, run an errand
12pm-3pm – lunch and naps
3pm- 6pm – prepare supper
6pm- 9pm- clean up, bath, bedtime
I think this type of scheduling is great when you have children, because it helps prioritize when to get things done.
6. Weekend
I fill in my weekend. You have about ten lines per day to jot down meal ideas, chores, or just fun activities you want to complete

7. Calendar
I always try to fill in or check my calendar as soon as I can. I wanted to share an empty calendar so I shared December 2021.

8. October Month in Review
I absolutely love this feature with this planner. There is a page at the end of the month for you to jot down month goals.
My month goals were: clean windows, clean fireplace, possibly get a new toilet. We recently bought a new home so we are still trying to catch up on new home to-do list.
There is also a section to write “Things I did but didn’t have to do”. I hope to use this section more. As a mom, I often feel like I don’t get enough done but if I wrote down everything I did….. I think I would be pretty pleased. 🙂
9. Extra Credit
I wish I could say I used this feature more, but I just don’t make time for it. At the end of each month, they have a page for you to focus on one part of your life or house. October is – “Refresh your Wardrobe.” They have goals and tips for you as you clean out your closet.
Also at the very end there are a few blank pages. I always use these pages for other goals I have or a Christmas list. I love being able to write all this in my planner since it is where other important things are.
I don’t always do these steps in order but this is how I plan my days as a busy toddler mommy in the Home Edit Day Designer. If you have any questions, please leave them below!
Happy Friyay!
~Gracefully Fashionable Britt