Spring break is approaching. I’m already counting down the days till spring. 15 more days!! I’m ready for 70-degree days and sunshine!


I also know that as spring is approaching, I always thought well now I have to shave on a more regular basis, and oh yeah what about these super pale legs?


All my life I have been described as having porcelain skin, like a doll. While to some people that is a great compliment, to others its something that I know I actually hated about myself.

to tan or not to tan

Click here to watch my video!


When I was a teen, it was something I was often teased about. Teased so much I often wanted to hide my skin. I eventually started going to the tanning bed at around age 15. I wanted to be as dark as all my friends. To have the perfect tan.


While I thought the tanning bed was pretty relaxing, and I loved how it made my skin feel. I gradually started to learn how dangerous it could be, more and more stories started to come out about the rise in skin cancer.


Finally after being told by a doctor the dangers with my skin, I stopped going. Thank the Lord; I stopped before I got any skin problems.


Still I felt insecure about my skin. Spray tans became the next big thing. Let me just tell you, when I first started getting them, they weren’t very pretty. I would end up looking like a pale girl with brown splotches everywhere! Please tell me I’m not the only one who has had an experience like that. 😉


Gradually I got better and better at them, and they ended up looking pretty natural. But I couldn’t afford to keep getting those, and it was always so awkward when they started to fade.


So I switched over to self-tanning lotion like Jergens and Banana Boat. Once again there is a learning curve to these, but eventually I became a pro. I have to say Jergens is probably the best one I have used.


I would apply them every other day or every other two days. While I enjoyed the nice color payoff, still sometimes my feet would not turn out right or I was just tired and didn’t want to have to apply this all the time after the shower.


Eventually and over time, I stopped applying them. I started just to accept my skin color and to embrace it. To see my skin color as gift from God, that makes me who I am. It has a beauty all in its own.


100% natural here – no makeup, no self tanner

Just me! 


I’ve embraced more colors that make my skin glow, like blues, pinks, and purple. Now all I try to do is to keep my skin healthy and moisturized. I still occasionally use a self-tanner/spray tan. I used one for a couple weddings last summer. There is actually nothing wrong if you want to use one.


I just hope that you always feel comfortable and beautiful in your own skin. And to know that you don’t always have to have that perfect Hollywood tan.


So my plans for this summer is to try to get outside everyday that it is nice and try to get 15-30 minutes of sunshine. I’ve heard it can actually be good for your skin to get some sunshine with no sunscreen. But always make sure it is not the hottest part of the day and never for more than 20 minutes. But I am not a medical professional, so always check with your doc!


If I’m going to be out for a long time, its time to slather up in some 30 SPF! I have actually used 75 SPF before 😉 Pale girl probs! But now I’ve learned 30 does just as good, as least for me.


So I hope my little rant about being happy with my pale skin has encouraged some of you to embrace your natural skin, no matter what shade you are. Just know you’re most beautiful being yourself.