DIML with One Year Old – SCHEDULE & FAVS

I almost started crying last night as I was putting Milo to sleep.  He had turned one and I was looking back at pictures.  I saw my first selfie with him when he was just over a week old.  He was snuggle up to me after breastfeeding.  He couldn’t talk or walk, just a little bitty new born.

Now he babbles all day and won’t stay still.  I’m so excited to see him grow, but heart broken by the fact of coming to the realization of the newborn stage really doesn’t last long….

A heartbroken happy excited momma I am I guess. 😉

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So where to begin:

His First Birthday

Due to covid, we had a family gathering at my husband’s parent’s house.  It did not go so well.  Milo possibly was still getting over his one year old shots, teething, and little did I know but it was the beginning of another clingy/separation anxiety phase.  This to shall pass right?!

Anyway – He cried when I put him in his highchair to eat his cake, which he did not want to touch, and he cried when being held or looked at by certain people. I did enjoy the momma and son day we had prior to the birthday party.

I do have to share this adorable picture I found off Pinterest and was actually able to pull off!  Yay!

DIML with one year old - schedule & favs

DIML with 1 year old

So I filmed a vlog ‘Day in my Life’ not long after he turned one.  If you would like to watch it, CLICK HERE!

In this video, I share his schedule & favs.

His Schedule:

7:00- wake up

8:00- breakfast

9:00-12:00- play/nap (In this video, he napped early, probably around 9 am and slept maybe an hour.)

12:00- lunch

3:00- nap (his naps mostly range from forty-five minutes to and hour and thirty minutes.)

4:00-5:00 -snack time ( as soon as he wakes up)

6:30- supper

7:00-9:00- family time/ get ready for bed

9:00-10:00- bed time.  (Milo has never went to bed early… I have tried… Guess he’s a night owl.)


For his birthday, we got him a toddler chair in the shape of a fox.  Click here to see!

We also got him this neat scooter!  He can ride on it till he’s old enough to stand up and use it.  You can also use it like a small wagon for toys.  Click here to see!

Milo loves books, especially books that have 3D pieces he can play with in the book.

If you want to see more favorites- click here to watch the vlog!

What I learned in the first year:

I could probably make a whole blog post on this alone.  But I do want to share some things that I still have to preach to myself.

  1.   Stop comparing schedules.

I joined multiple Facebooks groups as a new mommy and all mommies like talking about their schedules.  I still stress out about this.  I have to remind myself -my son is not everyone else’s son. Just like adults, all babies schedules are different.  And right when you think you have a schedule figured out, they will probably go through a mental leap, or teething, or growth spurt.  Just flow with it.  If your child eats and gets at least one good nap, count your blessings.  😉

2. You don’t have to do “cry it out” AND DON’T FEEL BAD IF YOU DON’T.

Once again, while the Facebook groups have been helpful, the “cry it out” method is another favorite topic.  I tried “cry it out” one time and I couldn’t do it.  It went completely against my maternal nature.  There are actual several sources I have found that I believe speak wisely against “cry it out.”  Do your research but most importantly follow your momma heart. If you don’t like “cry it out”, you don’t have to do it.  If it works for you, great for you!

3. The first year is the slowest but fastest year of your life.

The newborn stage feels like eternity.  But looking back now it went so quick.  Don’t rush to get your child to roll over, pull up, talk or walk.  It will happen.  Soak up those sweet baby moments.

So now I have a toddler!

It’s fun, it’s exhausting, it’s never being able to sit down again.

It’s hearing him say mama, giving my kisses, and him putting his arm around me at night.

I stopped exclusively pumping.  Here is a link to the video I have already made for that.  A blog post should be coming soon!

I hope this was enjoyable to read, and was helpful for any momma’s reading that needed a schedule idea, gift inspiration, or just to relate to another momma going through motherhood.

Happy One Year Milo, Mommy loves you.  Xoxo

Gracefully Fashionable Britt