My Personal Weekly Clothing Budget – For a girl who loves shopping!

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have an unlimited budget for clothes and Starbucks. Ahhhh… if only. 😉

My husband and I are Dave Ramsey followers and we are currently on baby step #3, which is saving 3-6 months expenses for an emergency fund. So that means, we are on a budget of throwing most extra cash at savings.

But even Dave Ramsey says you should still budget some money for fun. Now my husband and I do not have a clothing budget each month. Both of us do not plan on changing sizes any time soon, so all our clothes should work for us.

Now I understand families that have kids, definitely need a clothing budget. You don’t want your kids wearing high water jeans or shoes that don’t fit.

There are also special occasions when you need a clothing budget. Last year, my sister got married and we had to purchase my husband some dress clothes. We just adjusted our monthly budget for that month to afford the new shirt and tie he needed.

While I have explained, that we do not have a monthly clothing budget, we do have a Brittany and Tony budget for every week. Every week, each of us gets $20 dollars to spend on whatever we want. We get it out in cash at the ATM. As a shopping lover, all my money usually goes towards clothes.

personal shopping budget

Sometimes I spend my $20 right away on a cute Target shirt or a pair of Old Navy shorts. Other times, I save it up. One time, I saved all my $20s for over four months, I saved close to $350 dollars. I then spent it all on a Vera Bradley purse, as a gift to myself.

While it sounds awesome that I saved up and paid with cash for my purse, it wasn’t all fun. I had to constantly tell myself every week to not rush to the mall and get that dress I wanted.  Or I had to tell myself, ” just keep saving, I’ll eventually get there.” It was like I had to give myself a savings pep talk each week.

personal shopping budget

Check out my review of my $300 Vera Bradley bag I saved up for and paid with cash!


It takes discipline of telling your self no, but the reward is worth it. I currently have saved $80 dollars in my Brittany budget. I either plan on saving a couple hundred then going on a shopping spree, or saving up for a new Iphone, now that will take some dedication. 😉

The best thing about my budget is that I am paying with cash. I have no credit card bills and I don’t feel guilty at all about purchasing it. I know through my budget that all my bills are getting paid, I have a fridge full of food, and I have a little bit of money to have some fun with.

By budgeting $20 dollars a week, that is $80 dollars a month.

That is $160 in 2 months

$240 in 3 months

$480 in 6 months

$960 in a year! Just to spend on me!

I hope this encourages you to start saving a little money for yourself. Whether that is for a clothing budget like I enjoy or whatever hobby you might have. Also, if you can budget more than $20 bucks, go for it!

Working hard and saving for your purchase just makes it that much sweeter!

