I can’t believe how much I have already learned about this Proverbs 31 woman. She has a virtuous work ethic. She is a virtuous wife, mom, shopper, planner, and early riser with eager hands. All of that from just 9 verses.
Taking time to read these verses and write about these verses has helped me grow in Christ.
So how much more can this virtuous woman accomplish. Oh so much when she puts her heart, mind, and hands to the love of Christ.

Verse 20 – “She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.
How often we are so self-focused making sure our own day is going to be okay. We often miss so many opportunities to serve and to be kind. We often say we are “searching” for opportunities to serve…. but when we just slow down, we can find opportunities all around.
I saw a sweet old man the other day at Meijer. He dropped a box he was picking up. I could see him struggling to reach it. It warmed my heart knowing I could easily help him. That same day, I saw another older gentleman lose his car. Me and two other people offered to help him find it.
Who knew that such small actions could be some of our best witnessing for the Lord!

Proverbs 31: 21 – “She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet.”
“Not afraid of snow.” Ha! I’m terrified of snow. I am a southern girl living in a midwest world. I don’t drive unless it’s an inch or less. 😉
The color scarlet is a brilliant red. While reading about it, I learned it often is a color of warmth and comfort. Benson Commentary says, “She has provided enough, not only for their necessity, and defense against the cold and other inconveniences but also for their delight and ornament.”
She puts thoughts of kindness into her deeds. She provides necessity and beyond!

Proverbs 31:22 – “She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.”
Tapestry is like a thick textile fabric. It often has pictures or designs on it. This is used for wall hangings or furniture. The verse also says, “She makes.” Is there anything this woman can’t do. 😉
“Her clothing is fine linen and purple.” She takes care of her own needs too!! Needs are not just food, water, and shelter. Women of Christ need to be: spiritually fed with Bible reading and prayer. Physically fed with sleep, exercise, and bubble baths in peace. 😉 . Mentally fed with loyal spouses and friends to uplift you.
Never forget that sometimes the best way to help others needs is to help your own needs first. Christ himself spent personal time with the Lord, instead of preaching and healing. Christ himself enjoyed time with just His disciples, instead of trying to physically help everyone.
The Lord loves you beyond measure…so love yourself.
Slow down.
Extend your hand!
Don’t fear snow. 😉
Be thoughtfully kind.
Wear some purple!
Jesus love you oh virtuous wife!