As A Mom – Why if I love Jesus… I should take a NAP!

as a mom - if i love Jesus... I should take a nap

Milo, my son, has been fighting his nap since three this afternoon.  It is now 4 o’ clock and he still hasn’t fallen asleep.

I didn’t sleep well the night before either.  Milo had tossed and turned all night, so momma was running on little steam by 4pm.

I love to-do lists!  It makes me feel so accomplished when I can mark everything off at the end of day.  This was one of those days nothing was getting accomplished.  I had a work certification that needed to be completed. I had laundry still in the washing machine that needed to be moved to the dryer.  My bed was unmade, and my floor was not vacuumed.

I was feeling like a complete failure.  I was focusing so much on what I hadn’t accomplished rather than looking at my little 11 month old falling asleep FINALLY in my arms. 

I was curled up on the couch with him laying on me.  I could feel I was getting an exhaustion headache coming on. 

Then the normal thoughts flooded into my mind that happen to every parent when your child FINALLY goes to sleep. 

Do I move him and risk him waking up?


Enjoy me some rest time snuggling my baby.


as a mom - why if i love Jesus... i should take a nap.

Then other thoughts came over me. 

I am a Christian wife and mother.  That is my “job” I serve in every moment of the day.  If I don’t take this nap and get some rest will I be showing a Christ like character to my husband and son?

Here I was worried about failing my work company (which this certification had no due date, it was a completely work- as -you- go -on -your -own -time -certification). I was worried about failing my friends if they saw my house in its current state, and failing my silly worldly standards. 

So I chose to take a nap, with my son snuggled on top of me.  I had lots of other things to do but I chose to nap so I would be kind to my husband and son that evening. So I could cook supper with a smile, and giggle with my son at bath time.

I have done it before where I don’t nap.  Then surviving the evening is a struggle.  I get snappy at my husband and frustrated at my baby. 

By me choosing my nap it helps to be a kind and Christ-like mother and wife, which is so much more important than completing my to-do list. 

as a mom - why if i love Jesus... I should take a nap

I saw a quote while thinking about this topic.  It said, “Your kids don’t want a perfect mom, they want a happy mom.”

I think the quote can work for your husband too, “Your husband doesn’t want a perfect wife, he wants a happy wife.” 

I took my nap and woke up to a sleepy baby rubbing his eyes and smiling looking at me from my chest.  I woke up to my to-do list still having everything written on it.  I woke up to not having a headache.  I woke up feeling pretty good. 

I’m writing this as I hope it can help you, and I still have to preach this to myself.

Take the nap so you can share Jesus with your family.

Gracefully Fashionable Britt

Proverbs 31 – A Virtuous Work Ethic

Proverbs 31- a virtuous work ethic

It’s ironic me currently writing a blog post on work ethic. I’ve taken a nap and only completed two things on my list for today.  (It almost 3pm as I’m writing this. 😉 ) But hey, I’m pregnant!  Right?!  

Honestly though, pregnant or not, you’re going to win some and you’re going to lose some.  The key, is handling it gracefully!

proverbs 31- a virtuous work eithic

Proverbs 31:17 – “She sets about her work vigorously; and her arms are strong for her task. ” 

Once again, I love synonyms.  Vigorously might not mean the same to every person.  I honestly thought vigorously was more intense, more hard core.  However, when I looked up some synonyms for it is – powerfully, energetically, eagerly, enthusiastically.  

So, it’s not all about how hard you are going to attack a plan or project. Rather how you attack it.  Instead of doing your household chores, wifely duties, or projects at work like you must attack it with strength…. What if you attacked it with enthusiasm?  

proverbs 31- a virtuous work eithic

The Bible says – “All hard work brings a profit.”  Proverbs 14:23

I imagine the Proverbs 31 woman does all her work the best she can and she does them with a positive attitude.  

“Her arms are strong for her task.”  Anyone else agree that cleaning house is a form of exercise?  😉 

proverbs 31- a virtuous work eithic

Proverbs 31:18 – “She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.”

A Proverbs 31 woman sees her success.  How often as women we see our failures first.  I wonder if she struggled with wife duties, mom duties, house duties, and all while trying to not drive herself crazy.  I mean back when this was written, they didn’t have deluxe kitchens, Walmarts, or an iPhone.

It all depends on how we measure success.  Do we measure it by a clean home?  A paycheck?  Everything checked-off our never ending to-do list?

Or do we measure it by we tried our best, we have a warm meal tonight, and everyone went to bed knowing they are loved?  

proverbs 31- a virtuous work eithic

Matthew 16:26 – “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, and yet forfeit their soul.”

Please don’t lose who you are in the work you do.  You are a beautiful daughter of God.  Who you are and your success is found in Christ.

“Her lamp does not go out at night.”

I do not take this literally, I mean the woman has to sleep.  But, she is not lazy with her time.  She has “work time.”  Which probably means she isn’t checking social media or procrastinating.  That is another goal of mine.. for my lamp to not go out at night.  😉

Proverbs 31:19 – “In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.”

This verse has to do with working with fabric.  I have no sewing skills whatsoever.  I made one bag in 4H and let’s just say it’s not my trade.  

However, she is providing for her family and teaching her children, servants, and maidens a Christian work ethic.  She is a leader by example.  

I hope I don’t forget with my upcoming son that more is “caught than taught.”  This can apply to your employees or spouse. I hope that as a Christian woman, I can lead by example and not by words.  

Work vigorously. 

Flex your arms. 😉

Find your success in Christ.

Lead by example.

Jesus loves you oh virtuous wife!

Proverbs 31 – A virtuous wife, mom, shopper, planner, early riser with eager hands.

Proverbs 31 - A virtuous wife

As I’m writing this and I hope as you are reading this, that you would pray a special prayer for the Lord to speak to you.

I still doubt myself in writing this.  Satan gets in my head saying, why?  No-one will read this?  What are you doing?

But one thing I am learning is that often times, the things we are most scared to do, are the things we need to do.  

I have a feeling a virtuous woman probably tells Satan to “shhhh” it anyway.

Proverbs 31 - A virtuous Wife

So what does a virtuous wife, mom, shopper, planner, early riser with eager hands mean to me?

Proverbs 31:13

Verse 13- “She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. “

The NIV version says eager hands.  Eager means “wanting to do or have something very much.”

How many of us ever have eager hands?  The only thing my hands are ever eager about is eating a donut!  (They actually have good gluten free ones now, hallelujah!). Or how many of us aren’t eager until we have coffee?

I’m usually never eager to do dishes, laundry, clean the bathroom, or go to work.  BUT what if I saw this as an opportunity to love Jesus and share Jesus with my kids or husband?  What if Christians really were the happiest most eager people on Earth?  

Colossians 3:23

Colossians 3:23 -“ Whatever you do, work at it with ALL your heart, as working for the Lord….”

Whatever you do – dishes, laundry, cleaning the toilet – can be used as a moment to glorify the Lord.  Glorify the Lord in providing a simple task for your family.

Verse 13 also says she provides wool and flax.  Flax is a “blue-flowered herbaceous plant that is cultivated for its seed and for textile fiber made from its stalk.” 

I’m not a lover of wool so we will pretend its cotton.  😉

Proverbs 31:14

Verse 14 – “She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.”

Now with Kroger click list and Shipt, bringing food from “afar” is not that hard.  However, I think this sentence speaks volumes.  

Ellicott’s Commentary for English reader says: “Looks for opportunities of buying cheaply at a distance from home, instead of paying a large price on spot.”  

By being considered like “ships of the merchant” – A virtuous wife is wise and well planned.  

I imagine a virtuous woman taking some time every day to plan her day and meals.  Maybe it’s early morning time or late at night.  She seems to have a plan and sticks to it.

Proverbs 31:15

Verse 15 – “ She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.”

She gets up early and gets the job done.  That is one of my goals for this year.  I personally feel so much better, when I rise early and get some simple tasks on out of the way.

She also provides food for her household AND maidens.  A virtuous wife seems to be very  thoughtful and much of a planner.  I wonder if she prefers Erin Condren or a Day Designer planner.  😉

proverbs 31:16

Verse 16 – “She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.”  

I imagine a virtuous wife as independent and strategic.  “She considers,” means she puts thoughts into her purchases.  I believe she consults with her husband. AND her husband trusts her judgement.  

She plants a vineyard.  I have no green thumb – I even killed a cute little cactus before!  However, a virtuous wife is productive in providing for her family’s needs.  Whether that food is homemade or wisely bought from the store it’s given in love.  

So, take a deep breath

Be eager to work

Be a wise planner

Rise early and drink coffee 😉

Feed your family spiritually and physically with love.

Jesus loves you oh virtuous wife.