DIY Your Own BirchBox for $35 or Less!!!

DIY your own Birchbox

I personally love getting beauty products in the mail every month, but my wallet doesn’t allow that to happen. My husband and I have bigger and better things to save up for. I have always known about Birchbox, but my husband last year got me the coolest gift.

DIY your own Birchbox

Check out my first Birchbox here!


He signed me up for 3 months subscription to Birchbox for I believe $30 dollars.  It was a Christmas deal that Birchbox had going on that month.  It was so fun still getting gifts even after Christmas was over. If you have the money and know someone who would love this, I highly recommend it!

One down side though was that with each box there was usually only 2-3 items I actually enjoyed. The other things will most likely never get used.

Then I had the idea, what if I created a Birchbox for my friends and family!?!  I love being creative and actually picking stuff I know they will use .  This makes the box that much more enjoyable.

So here is my idea for creating your own birch box for $35 bucks or less.

-1- First you need some type of container to put everything in.


-use something you already have

– buy a cute plastic or paper bag to put it all in

– get a box similar to the boxes they package the items in for Birchbox.  You can get boxes from Micheal’s.  Some boxes are as low as 5 dollars!

-The pricier option is getting a cute travel bag from Target.


-2- Perfume –Almost every box I got had a small sample of perfume.


-Bath & Body Works! Get a sample size body spray or lotion. Sample sizes range from $3-6 dollars!

-Some of my favorites are Endless Weekend and Japanese Cherry Blossom.


-3 & 4- Skincare- All of my boxes included some form of skin care from moisturizer to skin treatment.

-I would recommend going to Ulta and getting some of their sheet masks, they are only $4!

-Since your doing a mask, you need to follow up with some kind of moisturizer. My sister has made me fall in love with the Facial Spray with Aloe, Cucumber, and Green Tea by Mario Badescu. Your can find this at Ulta in the smaller size for $7 bucks. I love spraying this whenever I need to freshen up my skin or right after I get out of the shower.

-5- Make up tool -In my boxes, I would get a make up sponge or a facial scrubber to use on my face in the shower. I actually really enjoyed the facial scrubber I got in my last box!

–  Another option I would recommend getting is an Elf brush! They are great brushes and great on prices. They range from $1-6 dollars. Every girl can always use a new brush, right! 😉

-6- Lips -I actually received a lip product from the brand Arrow that I fell in love with ! Check out the video here!

DIY your own birchbox


-Since this product is a little on the pricey side, I recommend just getting an Ulta brand lipstick. They are $2.17!

-I know, I would be skeptical about them too. But they are actually great and last all day! The professional makeup artist that did my makeup on my wedding day actually bought me an Ulta brand lipstick in the shade plum crazy. It lasted all day with over 100-degree heat!


There are so many different options you could do with this box and it is completely up to you! Maybe the person you are making this for doesn’t even like make up or beauty products. You could easily turn this into a spice box, a candy box, or a dollar store box. Completely up to you!

Best of all, these can work for birthdays, bridesmaid’s gifts, graduation gifts, or even Christmas gifts!

I hope my thoughts have given you some ideas and your able to be creative while saving money!

DIY your own birchbox



Happy Friday!



Cheap, Simple Birthday Ideas – Post-it Note Decorations, Surprises, & Dollar Store Ideas

Hey guys!!

My husband’s birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday babe! If you are actually reading this. 😉 My husband will be turning 27 tomorrow. I can’t believe we have celebrated every birthday together since we were 19, we are getting old. 😉

Birthdays have always been a big thing with my family. Ever since I was little. Maybe it is a southern tradition?

Birthdays involve your favorite food whether at home or at a restaurant, cake, friends, gifts, and usually a couple of surprises. And that all can get expensive.

My husband and I really try to budget our money and by doing that sometimes we have to get creative. So here are my Cheap Simple Birthday Ideas.

– Make you own birthday card. Sometimes those cards can get real expensive and often times we end up throwing them away. That’s why I suggest making your own, whether by hand or using a computer. One time I found a cute card on Etsy, I don’t remember the catch phrase on it, but it was something about espresso. 😉 Anyway I thought it was silly to order that card online, so I decided to make it myself. Sure it in no way looked perfect, but my husband loved it. And that’s all that matters.

– Candy – My husband is not much of a cake guy but he loves candy, any kind. So I have gotten a 3-5 dollar bag of candy and surprised him with candy all over the house. BONUS I got to eat some while doing the job! 😉

– Starbucks Surprise – I have done this even when it’s not his birthday and it just cheers up his day. Just get their favorite drink and surprise them at work with it. Also usually if you use the Starbucks app, you get a free drink on your birthday!

– Buy balloons at dollar store – SO MUCH CHEAPER!

– My last and favorite thing is with Post-it Notes. I don’t even remember how I came up with this, but my family has done this idea ever since I was little. While my husband was at work, I put Post-it Notes all over the house to surprise him.


Here are some of the examples I used:

On his pillow – Happy Birthday to my Snuggle Partner

On the top of the toilet (which actually made him laugh) – Happy Birthday to my Plumber

On his laptop – Happy Birthday to my Tech Expert

Next to our keys – Happy Birthday to my Mechanic

On our TV – Happy Birthday to my Netflix Buddy

On the Fridge – Happy Birthday to my Candy Lover (there was a stash of candy waiting for him, when he opened it.)

Next to our picture – Happy Birthday to my Best Friend.

Birthdays do not always have to be expensive; sometimes the small simple things mean more in life. Hope this gives you ideas for making someone’s birthday special!