Halfway through my Invisalign Treatment.
I was a skeptic at first. Could Invisalign really save my teeth? I’ve always been super sensitive about my teeth. Click here to watch my dental journey.
Underbite, gapped teeth, spacers, expander, braces – Could this magic invisible tray reproduce what all that metal shaped?
It probably took me to about the third tray until I started to be a believer. I am now on tray 9 and 100% happy. Highly recommend!
Click here to watch my Invisalign update!
I am feeling more and more confident with my smile.
So what have I learned from my halfway through experience:
- Personally for me, the trays don’t hurt my teeth. My teeth sometimes feel pressure but really no pain.
- I have a really busy morning. I drink a smoothie off-and- on most of the morning. Since doing that I am not able to wear my trays. I also slack off some in the afternoons ( I know! I’m slightly ashamed!). My teeth seem to still be moving correctly! I do wear them every night.
- Be careful using Crest toothpaste. I started to have brown spots form on a few of my teeth. They were small, but noticeable to me. I asked the orthodontist about it, because I was wondering if it was due to Invisalign. She said some Crest toothpaste irritates people’s teeth. As soon as I switched to Colgate – Gone! No more spots!
- TIP -Write the date that you are suppose to switch your trays on each packet they give you.
- TIP – Make reminders on your iPhone calendar when you are suppose to switch out your trays! It makes it so much easier to remember.
I hope me sharing my experience helps y’all who are considering Invisalign. I am very pleased and impressed with the results. And it’s only taken about 6 months.
If you have any questions, please leave the below! Also follow my life journey on Instagram!
Wear your retainers!
~ gracefully fashionable ~