Perfecting your Daily Routine as a 2020 Mom of a 15 month old!

Perfecting your Daily Routine as a 2020 Mom

This idea came to me a few weeks ago.  My 14 month old son Milo, was going through so many changes – teething, growth spurt, learning new things, and a little bit of crazy.  I thought we didn’t really have a “routine.”

I saw on Pinterest all these pins about a 14 month schedule.  “You should have a schedule, every child needs a routine, a schedule is they key to happiness with your toddler….”

And I tried several of them AND Milo liked none of them.

I was feeling like a failure of a mom, my kid isn’t normal… something must be wrong.

My husband always tells me, “Milo is Milo, he is not everyone else.”

Finally it clicked with me.

I am going to perfect mine and Milo’s unscheduled days.

And now that I have… we actually have a routine that works for us!  I am typing this while Milo sleeps during his SCHEDULED nap time!!!!!

Here is how I perfected my daily routine –
I just followed his lead.



Perfecting your Daily Routine as a 2020 Mom

Click Here to watch the video!


Our schedule:


Mommy & Milo – wake up/ breakfast


Milo – play inside

Mommy – do things that I can keep an eye on him ( empty dish washer, laundry, tidy up, make a phone call, get ready)

10:00 – 11:00

Mommy & Milo – Walk outside/ play outside


Milo- NAP !

Mommy – get as much important stuff done that I can OR have lazy mommy time 😉


Mommy & Milo – lunch

2:00- 3:30

Mommy & Milo – “free time” (play together, read, run errands, maybe go outside again)

3:30 – 4:00

Mommy & Milo –  snack time

4:00 – 6:00

Mommy & Milo – “free time” ( try to take a nap if needed, mommy’s 2nd cup of Joe time!)


Mommy & Milo – Supper Time


Mommy & Milo – Family time/ Bath time

8:00 – 9:00

Milo – Bed time

This schedule is made completely by Milo, I stopped trying to fit into everyone else’s schedule.  I just tried to follow his cues and I noticed over a few days, he started doing things consistently.  He made his nap times and when he wanted to eat.

I try to plan my day, chores, and goals around his schedule.

I have learned that I can actually clean the kitchen pretty good in the morning, I can easily throw a load of laundry in the washer and dryer and maybe fold it by night.  😉

I can do important computer work while he naps.  I can exercise and get some vitamin D during our time outside.

I can make phone calls and work on my planner while he plays.  I can have some me time in the afternoon and drink some coffee when daddy gets home from work.

WHY I know this schedule is working and how to stop doubting myself:

Milo is happy, he is growing, he is learning. He is not yawning all day, he is not fussy.  That is how I know it is working.

I still doubt myself at times, but Milo is happy.  We have been having very good days since following this schedule.

Milo is not perfect and my schedule is not perfect.  It works most days but it still does not work EVERY day.

SO what is the key to perfecting my daily routine?


It took a couple days to get this schedule figured out.  When we did, we had 4 good days of consistently following this schedule.  Then, we had an “off” day.  I had to shift my normal activities to another time.

When I have to switch my schedule I do get a little grumpy, but then I try to remember –

Perfecting your Daily Routine as a 2020 Mom

I am a mommy first.  God has given me Milo and Milo is my most important thing to take care of for that day.

So I shift my schedule, I try to get done what I can, and I move things to my list for tomorrow.

I hope by sharing my schedule, it can be encouragement to those of you who also have a little one who doesn’t seem to follow everyone else’s schedule and to remind us mommas that perfecting our routines as moms is simply loving our little ones at all times of the day.

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt