Sweet Baby Milo – I’m Pregnant! 20 Weeks!

sweet baby Milo - I'm pregnant! 20 weeks!

I’m pregnant!!  Ahhh!!  It’s still so hard to believe at times.  

Becoming pregnant is not like the movies.  It is much harder than it may seem.  My husband and I tried for 9 months!  Finally the Lord blessed us.  I could make a whole other blog post about those emotional 9 months.  I can’t imagine how hard it is for women who have a harder time than I did.  If you are struggling right now becoming pregnant, my heart just pours out to you.

It’s all about the health of the mother and God’s sweet timing.

sweet baby Milo - I'm pregnant!  20 weeks!

If you want to watch my youtube announcement video click here!

I wanted to create a real timeline so you could understand my journey. 

So let’s travel back in time!

January 2018- I was two weeks late… but not pregnant.  That left me heartbroken. 

February 2018 – Mother Nature come back regularly.

March 2018 – Hello again from Mother Nature.

April 2018 – Mother Nature – ugh

May 2018 – This period is really getting old.

June 2018 – Well, least I can enjoy my summer……

July 2018 – Is there something wrong with me?

August 2018 – I can’t take this anymore Lord, please answer my prayers.

September 2018 – During the weeks of church evangelism…. We conceived.  Ironic timing Lord. 😉

October 14, 2018 – I took a test early Sunday morning and we received the results right away… We were pregnant!

sweet baby Milo - I'm pregnant!  20 weeks!

October 20, 2018 – Told my husband’s parents we were pregnant by having a Bible verse written on a pumpkin.  Proverbs 17:6.

October 27, 2018 – Told my parents by printing off a June 2019 calendar and marking June 21st.  

Pregnancy week 6 – Hello morning sickness.  Nausea but not to the point of throwing up.  I also dealt with some headaches.  No food sounded good at all.

Pregnancy week 7 – Morning sickness lasting till about 2pm everyday.

Pregnancy week 8 – Naps please!

Pregnancy week 9 – First Ultrasound!! Heart beat 173!

sweet baby Milo - I'm pregnant!  20 weeks!

Pregnancy week 10 – Made baby Facebook official.

Pregnancy week 11- Starting to get a bump!

Pregnancy week 12 – The beginning of never ended back pain.  I was dealing with some sinus issues.  I choose to try some Claritin and it did help some.  Doctors appointment – healthy, heart beat 160!

Pregnancy week 13- Size of a plum!

Pregnancy week 14 – Mostly dealing with back pain.  Morning sickness started to go away, praise the Lord!

Pregnancy week 15 -Starting to feel some “flutters” in my belly.  😉

Pregnancy week 16 – I dealt with horrible neck and shoulder pain.  I got my first prenatal massage!  I highly recommend!  It took my husband giving me a few more massages before my neck got better.  Doctors appointment- very active baby!  Heart rate – 146-150.  He kept moving around so it was hard to find the heart rate.  I had eaten Dove chocolate before the appointment. 😉

Pregnancy week 17 – Started to get some sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  Most likely round ligament pains.  They only lasted for a few short seconds at a time.

Pregnancy week 18 – I felt more movements.  I was waking up randomly at 1 and 3 am – was this baby waking me?

Pregnancy week 19 – Started using a body pillow!  It helps ease some of the back pain.  I was feeling more kicks, but my husband could still not feel them.

sweet baby Milo - I'm pregnant!  20 weeks!

Pregnancy week 20 – It’s a boy!!  He seems to have long legs and his feet are already 2 inches!  Possibly changing my due date by two weeks if he continues to grow at this rate.  He was in the 94% range.  (Average is 50%).  He currently weights 1 pound.  His heart rate was 136.

Once the shock of having a boy has set in, I am so excited and can not wait for June 21st to get here.  My sweet boys name will be Milo James.  

I hope my timeline can be encouraging for those trying, and helpful to those currently in this journey.  

I can not wait to see what the next 20 weeks holds for me and baby Milo.  Although, if the back pain could stop…. That would be great.  😉

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt