How to Exclusively Pump in the Car – Tips & Must Haves!

how to exclusively pump in the car

One of the joys of exclusively pumping is you will most likely have to do it at least once in the car. I exclusively pumped for 11 months and I had to pump in the car 4-5 times while on a 4 hour road trip.

Exclusively pumping in the car is chaotic, at times stressful, and a team effort when traveling long distances with a baby. BUT, I am so thankful that my body was able to do it for 11 months and I was able to completely breastfeed my son till he was one. (Yes, exclusively pumping is still breast feeding. 😉 )

how to exclusively pump in the car

CLICK here to watch my video about exclusively pumping in the car.

Also check out my other pumping videos!


day in the life - 3 months



So, let me share with you my 10 tips for Exclusively Pumping in the car.

  1. Scheduling is key!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Try to plan your pump around your babies nap. Whether that be at the beginning, middle, or end of the trip. Also try to schedule where you only have to pump once while in the car.

2. Pump in the back seat.

For my family, we often travel to Tennessee which is four hours from our home in Indiana. I often chose to sit in the back to be with my baby while my husband drove. Also you have a little more privacy back there!

3. Have a cover!

I just used a cover I was given. It is a cover you use to cover while breast feeding…. And you are breastfeeding… just in a unique way! Also this made me feel more comfortable covering myself.

4. Separate your pump parts!

I would have one big bag for everything. Then, I would use ziplock bags to separate. One for pump parts when we reach our destination. Another one for pump parts in the car.

5. Always double check that you packed ALL you need.

One time, coming home from the Hamilton play, it was late at night and I needed to pump as soon as the play was over. I had packed everything but the strap to strap around myself and hold it all on. I was so disappointed! So I had to ride home holding both pumps to me as my husband drove. Talk about a great way to end our date night. So not only do you need your pump parts but don’t forget:
-extra batteries!
-cloth to wipe off
-coconut oil! – Yes always use! Trust me 😉

6. Try to relax.

Bumps are going to happen, breaks are going to be slammed, babies will probably cry. I remember once it was getting too chaotic for me. I looked down and saw I had a pretty close amount to my usual, so I stopped. Consistency is key while breast pumping but if you are stressing out its okay to stop early that time.

7. Have cup holders cleared!

As soon as I got done, I would hand one bottle to my husband and he would put it in the upfront cup holder. I would use the cup holder by me to store the other. After I got everything put up, I would either store the milk in a cooler or set it aside for my baby to have later.

8. Pack a snack and water for your self.

Maybe treat yourself to something after!

9. Have an empty ziplock bag for dirty parts.

Zip it up and store them till you get to your destination.

10. You’re done! Yay!

Click here to watch my video, where I show how I pump inside my car.  My Husband also shares the car adapter we used.

My husband shared these two car adapters as ones he would recommend!

****Affiliated Links **** -Disclosure- Please keep in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliated links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

Click Here for the 300W Car Power Inverter 

Click here for the Tripp Lite 375 W Car Power Inverter


I hope these tips can help ease the minds of mommas about to travel. Just remember it’s going to be chaotic and that’s okay.


~Gracefully Fashionable Britt