A Virtuous Woman – Being Happily Unaccomplished.

A virtuous woman - being happily unaccomplished

I wonder if the Proverbs 31 woman had as much of a hassle with her schedule?  Did she ever feel like she is chasing a never ending list?  Or that she considered herself a failure when she didn’t get everything on her list done.  

I slightly feel that way while writing this.  This was suppose to be uploaded 2 weeks ago… but life happens – sickness, business, work, church, family.  Even my daily devotions have been put on the back burner.  Did the Proverbs 31 woman struggle like this?

I can not say for certain, but I imagine so.  I remember the story of Martha and Mary when Jesus came to their house.

Mary sat down by the Lord and listened to Him.  But Martha, was me.  I am the girl running around the house before anyone visits, marking my check list, trying to accomplish everything in one day.  

Martha finally asked Jesus.  I imagine she said this with her hands being tossed in the air while she asked: “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone.  Tell her then to help me.”  (Luke 10:40).

I feel that Martha was waiting for some “oh Martha, you have done so much, the house is spotless, the food smells delicious…”

But instead the Lord said, “Martha Martha…”

Imagine your name… “Brittany, Brittany…

A virtuous woman - being happily unaccomplished.

“Martha, Martha, you are so anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.  Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10: 41-42

Instead of cleaning, Mary chose to spend time with the Lord.  Instead of cooking an elaborate meal, she chose time to spend with the Lord.  Instead of checking a list, she chose time to spend with the Lord.

I want to be like Mary.  The greatest thing  I can do every day is to spend time with the Lord.  As long as I accomplish that, everything seems to fall into place.  I am then more encouraged to use my time and talents as gifts from God.

I encourage you, write this verse down.  I did and kept it on an index card in my room all through college.  Or write it in your planner as a reminder every day.

I initially planned to just write a short introduction and continue on with Proverbs 31: 23-24… But my heart now feels content.

I needed this and I hope you did too.  I did not get done my initial idea, my schedule will now be a little off, I spent more time than planned writing this post….

But that’s okay.

“Brittany, Brittany has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

What will you chose?

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt