~ March Goals 2018 ~

March Goals

Happy Thursday!!

Well March is about half way over so some might think I’m silly for just now sharing my goals… But better late than never! Right?! 😉

One thing I’ve learned about sitting goals is to start them right away. Even if half the month over. Whether that’s with working out, career goals, or reading your Bible. Never wait till a new month starts, just start now!

So here are my March goals that I have been trying to keep so far and hope to continue.


1)  Fitness – I have had work out goals for a long time, and honestly they never get completed. I start off great but usually by the second week, I’ve already fallen off the wagon. One thing I have learned from a YouTuber, Cambria Joy is to just give your self grace. If you fall off the wagon, its okay, it happens. Just get right back up and try again. So I’m trying again.  My goal is to make it to Planet Fitness 2 times a week. There has been 3 months I have had a membership there and never used it. So two times a week I thought would be something manageable to put into my schedule. I actually already failed that goal last week, only making it once… but remember grace! 😉

2)  This blog! I have loved blogging. I love writing and being able to share it. So I hope to upload at least twice a week sometimes three if I feel spunky enough.


3) Bible Study– I try to read my bible everyday. Now to be honest, sometimes I fail, and miss a whole week. So my goal is to be consistent. On the YouVersion Bible app on my phone, I follow the Bible reading plan called, Eat this book: One Year Bible with Daily Psalm. I have read the whole Old Testament so far, and I am half way through with the Book of Luke now. On this plan, you read 4-5 chapters a day. And it is super do able if you break it up through out the day!

4) Prayer – That is something that I have been growing in more this year than ever. I have a reminder set on my phone to go off every day to remind me to take a few moments and say a prayer. I feel it is very important in my Christian walk. Just like with Bible reading, with this some days I do great and some days I say,  “oh I’ll do it later.”  Consistency is key!  So that is one thing I want to continue working on.

So I hope my goals inspire you to make some goals for yourself. Remember it’s never too late!

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7