Creative Long Distance Relationship Gift Ideas!

creative long distance gift ideas

Long distance relationships are not the greatest relationships to have.

But they are unique and special in their own way. I believe the long distance relationship my husband and I went through really helped create us to be best friends. I mean  5 years  long distance is a long time to spend getting to know someone.

long distance relationship

If you haven’t read my post on how I survived a 5 year long distance relationship, click here!

While text messages and phone calls were essential, getting stuff in the mail created almost a Christmas like spirit in me.  I would always run back into the house to open my package.

Here are my 5 recommendations for long distance gift ideas.


These gifts were sometimes a birthday gift or sometimes just a gift to show you care. All of these gifts provided a smile on my face and warmth in my heart knowing my then boyfriend took time to mail each of these to me.


creative long distance gift ideas

1. Someone Loves You Bear. Now this gift actually wasn’t mailed but I think it is a cute idea to mail it anyway. My first birthday my husband and I were together, my husband drove all the way from Indianapolis with this little bear strapped in the seatbelt. That night when he got to my house, he showed me the bear “cutely”  strapped in beside him.  AND there was a beautiful silver diamond necklace connected to the bear! We had only been dating 5 months then, man was a lucky gal. 😉


creative long distance gift ideas


2. Toolbox full of goodies. This I DID receive in the mail. It was during a stressful time in college. My husband found this cute purple toolbox and filled it with all kinds of goodies for me. It had a new phone case for my phone, tons of candy, some pens (pen lover!), a gift card, and a sweet note from my husband! This picture was from 2013, so excuse the quality. 😉 . You don’t have to send a toolbox though. Just pack up a container full of their favorite stuff. Trust me, if they are going through a stressful time, they will love it!


creative long distance gift ideas


3. Handmade cards! They are the best. I have kept every sweet note my husband has wrote me. It doesn’t have to be a love letter. Sometimes a simple I love you is all they need.


creative long distance gift ideas


4. Provide supper! My husband would send me all kinds of gift cards. It was fun when ever I would use them, it made me think just about him and his sweet act of kindness. Maybe you want to provide a gift card to their favorite restaurant or fast food place. Y’all could have a Facetime date while eating together!


creative long distance gift ideas


5. Chocolate! Chocolate solves all problems. At least in my world. 😉 . I found the perfect candy shop on Etsy. It is called WhatCandySays. They allow you to send messages with chocolate candy! I surprised my husband with this for our 8 years of being together anniversary. The chocolate is delicious! Highly recommend!

These are just a few of the idea’s that my husband and I used during our long distance relationship. These gifts left such an impact on my heart that I smiled while writing this blog post. Sweet memories during an imperfect dating situation. I hope I offered a creative way for you to tell a loved one how much you care!


Please share any other gift ideas you received down below!

Much love,


3 years – 1, 095 days together – Happy Anniversary!

3 years – 1, 095 days together - happy anniversary

Happy 3 years of marriage to my husband and I! We got married on July 12th, 2015. Wow, why does 2015 sound so far away!


Our marriage is not perfect, but I can say I have enjoyed every day. My husband is my best friend. We went through a long distance relationship for 5 years before we got married.

long distance relationship


Check out the post here for my tips on surviving long distance!


So when we got married, to be in the same state and house was magical. I can count on one hand how many serious fights my husband and I have had in 3 years. We both hate fighting and drama so we try to avoid fights at all cost.


This year, we decided to do something special! Before our anniversary, we decided to finally get weddings bands. My husband and I did not exchange rings during our wedding vows. My husband can not wear a ring where he works. Also we knew that regardless of a ring or not, we were making a commitment to God and to each other to honor and respect each other.


enso ring


Have you ever had your engagement ring get caught on something? I’ve had that happen a few times. A fear always flashes through my mind of, “oh, that could have ripped my finger off.” It most likely is an irrational fear, but I love having all my fingers and want to keep them as much as possible. 😉 I’ve heard horror stories of it happening anywhere. Stories of people getting their finger ripper off by a bag, a door, a counter top!


So I found the company Enso. They create silicon rings.  These rings make it less likely for your finger to get caught. The rings are very flexible and grip close to your finger.   We fell in love with the copper color. My husband and I ordered the elements ring. I believe it has some medal mixed in with the silicon. I couldn’t tell though!


I ordered the thin elements options, because I liked having a thinner band. Also in regular rings I wear a size 5.5. The company recommend that you size down if you are a half size, due to the silicon gradually stretching over time.


We were so pleased with our rings! My husband still can’t wear it to work but he had one for the weekend! Also these rings are very affordable! The regular price is $50 dollars! BUT KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR DEALS. On Father’s Day weekend we ordered our rings. Our rings were on sale for $32 bucks a piece! So for both, it was just $64!!!


The company is very nice if you order the wrong size, which I did. 😉 I was able to get the right size pretty easy. Also the rings have a lifetime guarantee!


I highly recommend these rings, if you are looking for a unique affordable twist on wedding bands. They have all kinds of other rings as well to order!

3 years – 1, 095 days together - happy anniversary

So while I did want to tell you about our fun 3rd year purchase. I also wanted to give some advice. Even though its just been three years, I do feel like I have some wisdom to share!


– Pray together – everyday!

– Talk about your dreams together.

-Snuggle – even if it’s just for 5 minutes!

– When disagreeing, say “this is what I understand you are saying….” Explain, talk it out.

-Watch your wedding video, or look through photos every anniversary. Reflect on that special day.


Our anniversary was not perfect. I was actually sick with a sinus infection. So we ordered take out from the Cheesecake Factory and brought it hope. We then sat on the floor, me leaning back against him. We watched our wedding video. We teased each other asking if we should turn the heat on while watching it, considering our wedding day 3 years ago was one of the hottest days of the years. We also got married in a barn with no AC. So we were definitely glistening that day. 😉


The video made it feel like our wedding was just yesterday. To watch our wedding video is a tradition I hope my husband and I continue to do every year.

1 Corinthians 13:4 – “Love is patient, love is kind.”


How I Survived 5 Year Long Distance Relationship – Now we’re Married!


My husband and I never lived in the same town/city/ state until we got married. I don’t know how much that puts us in the minority but I think we are in our own special statistic.

I grew up in Bowling Green, Kentucky. My husband is from Indianapolis, Indiana. How did we meet? Facebook.

There is a little more to it, than just Facebook. My childhood best friend (also from Indianapolis) is actually really good friends with my husbands family. So through her, is how he became Facebook friends with me.

One night during my senior year of high school, I saw I got a Facebook message from some guy and of course asked my best friend about him. She said he’s a really nice guy, and from then we chatted ever since.

I wasn’t much of a girl who likes to date growing up. My best friend had several boyfriends, and I just never was like that. Call me old fashioned I guess. We started talking in January of 2010 and we chatted every day on Facebook.

I eventually had to give him my phone number; I guess he was too nervous to ask. But I was getting annoyed about having to log into Facebook everyday. So we moved onto the texting level of our relationship and eventually the actual talking on the phone stage.

By March, he and his mom had planned a trip to come down to Bowling Green. His mom, like I said was good friends with my best friends family. So she planned on visiting with them, while we went on our first date.

Side note, I’m pretty sure both of our families thought this was a silly relationship to begin with, we didn’t even live in the same state. It was actually a four-hour drive between us. 

Our first date went well, we actually went and saw the first, “How To Train a Dragon” movie, which now is kind of a special movie to us, for that reason.

From then on, he pretty much would drive down to see me almost every weekend, or every other weekend. We were young and in love. 😉


Five years later we got married, and now we’ve been married for almost three years.

So what are my tips, now that you know the background of our relationship.

– 1 – Become each other’s best friend. That is really my tip in any relationship. But if the genuine friendship is not there, it will not last. You have to be able to talk to each other, especially since the physical aspect isn’t always there. We talked about everything, our day, our dreams, jokes, things we like. He was and still is one of my best friends.

– 2 – Be committed. This is not going to be easy. If you feel like you can’t do it or don’t trust the person enough, either spare yourself the heartache, or go back to my first step and work on your friendship.

– 3 – Faith. Both my husband and I love the Lord and try to live our lives showing Christ’s love. Now neither of us are perfect or holy. But I think our faith was a big part of our success. We both believed in being faithful to each other, honest with each other, and believing in God’s design for marriage. We would pray together and read our Bible together while on the phone or Skype.

– 4- Have a countdown on your phone! Some times we would go a month without seeing each other. That was really hard. So one thing that helped me was downloading an app on my phone that would do a count down. I would count down the days till we got to see each other again. It was always fun getting so excited when the countdown was just two or three more days.

– 5- Variety of dates – We knew that when we got together, we would be doing something fun. We would go to museums, parks, go hiking, shopping, or go to the movies. These dates make fun memories. Some of my husband and I most fun memories is when we went hiking in Tennessee to see three different waterfalls, all while it was a rainy day. Also, sometimes its just fun to snuggle on the couch and watch Netflix when you haven’t seen each other in weeks.

– 6 – Have a schedule for talk time. While my husband and I texted through out the day, it is still really important to try and talk on the phone or Skype/ Facetime.   I noticed that when all we did is text, it made me miss him more. Talking on the phone or seeing him on Skype gave our relationship a sense of being together. We actually had a one hour time difference between us. So we had to plan our times around that. Every night before bed, we would try to talk on the phone. Even if it was just to say good night.


Now, while these tips might make it sound easy, I don’t want to mislead you. There were nights I would just cry because it wasn’t always easy being so far apart. Our relationship was not perfect and we did have some hard times. But what relationship doesn’t?

It’s funny watching people’s faces when we tell them that we dated long distance for five years. Sometimes I can’t even believe we actually made it. I’m not too big into believing in soul mates, but I do believe my husband and I have a very special relationship. It’s a little freaky sometimes how much I feel that we go perfect together.

But I believe it’s all because the Lord blessed a friendship that started on Facebook.