5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR – Motivation for SAHM

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

It’s funny how I now get excited to think of a whole hour to myself.  A whole sixty minutes.  Now that my son is a year, that is kind of rare… except at 5 am.  5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

Click here to watch my 5 am Peaceful Morning Routine for SAHM!

I started getting up at 5 am for a whole year while I was exclusively breast pumping.  If you would like to check out my blog post and video about my exclusively pumping tips and journey, CLICK HERE!

It was hard to get use to and at times I thought it was very unfair compared to my sleeping husband and son.  But I grew to love it.  It made me feel good having a whole hour to myself.

I didn’t have to worry about what my son was picking up, or if his diaper smelled bad.

I could do whatever I wanted UNINTERRUPTED!


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So I would start my morning by hooking up to pump.  I would snuggle under a blanket and watch WHATEVER I WANTED!

After I got done, I would drink some coffee.  Almost every morning I am surprised by a note my husband would leave for me on my coffee cup. It’s a fun tradition we have started about leaving sweet notes for each other.

Next, I would eat me something quick, I found this egg muffin recipe I love!

I am sure you can find the exact measurements on Pinterest.  You can ask my husband, I am not an exact measurement type of gal.  😉


5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

So crack a dozen eggs, throw them in a mixing bowl, add some milk, add some cheese, I love adding these soy bacon bits.  MIX MIX MIX

Cook for 20 minutes at 350 degrees

Now you have a quick breakfast to last all week!

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

Oh I also love adding this everything spice to my egg muffin!  Click here!

Sometimes my mom hour is cut short due to having to work.

But if I do have a whole hour, here are some special things I like to do:


  1. Shower!  I love being able to not feel rushed.  I can take my time and pamper.  Click the video above to see more of my favorite shower products!

-This scalp scrubber is so nice! It adds a nice salon touch to my shower. I bought it off amazon – click here!

2. Light a candle!  During the summer, I have really enjoyed the ‘Fresh Cut Lilacs’ from Bath and Body Works.

3.  Read.  I enjoy reading something to inspire me to be healthy during the day.  I enjoy the book, “Eat Pretty Every Day.”  This book contains something to read every day about living a more healthy ,beautiful from the inside out, life.  

4. Youtube.  Sometimes I just binge watch all the videos I need to catch up on.

5. TLC for my nails.  I’m not sure if its from having to wash bottles so much or what.  But my nails have taking a beating.  I love the Sally Hansen Manicure Complete Care Polish.  Just one application and it made my nails look so much healthier and smooth!

6. Open the windows and enjoy the sunrise!

5 am Peaceful Morning Routine Motivation for SAHM


I debated showing a scene in my video about my mom hour.

I normally straighten the living room every night but the night before I was too tired.  We had recently gotten a new TV and the TV box was still in the room and Milo’s toys were all over the floor.

I decided to show the clip anyway.  I wanted you to be able to see what my actual real life mom hour looked like that morning.

It wasn’t perfect and that’s okay.  I decided to spend that hour resting, and loving on myself instead of going on a crazy cleaning spree. 

I had a wonderful peaceful mom hour while sitting in an uncleaned living room.  😉

I hope this helps give you some mom inspiration to take some time for yourself.

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt