Planner Review : Day Designer Midyear 2019-2020

Day Designer Planner Review

Happy Fri-yay!

Don’t you just love days when you are checking things off your to do list! Every check mark gives me a little joy on the inside. That is why I am totally a planner girl!

Even from my elementary school days, I have always loved planners. I was the girl in third grade that would always write down her assignments and test dates in an agenda I would get each year from Walmart. Is that nerdy? 😉

Anyways, I have used a planner my whole adult life. I needed it in college to survive and in marriage to keep my husband and I functioning. I write down doctors visits, to-do lists, and meal plans in my planner.

Since I have been married, I have always used the Day Designer brand. I first fell in love with it 4 years ago at Target and I have not strayed since.

I have purchased from Target twice and ordered online a couple times for my planners.Day Designer Review

If you want to watch a quick review – Click here!

So let me explain quickly why I love this planner ~

The Calendar –

Day Designer Review

t’s perfect! There is enough room each day for me to write out multiple appointments or events. Plus there is a note section where I write all my bills for the month.

Weekly Daily Agenda –

Day Designer Review

I love how there is a top 3 to try to accomplish at the beginning of each day. Since I have a 4 month old baby, usually 3 things is about all I can accomplish.

There is room for an hourly agenda if you need to remember certain times during the day. I use this for any appointments or work events.

There is a to-do list section. I use this for any minor tasks that need to be accomplished. Usually these events roll over to the next day.

There is a tonight section which I use to meal plan.

Lastly, there is a gratitude section for you to count your blessings each day!

The Weekend –

Day Designer Review

Now this is a bit different than all the other planners I have used. Saturday and Sunday are on a page together. At the top of the page, there is a section for – “Take a Time Out: Fun Things to Do!” I thought this was great to add. Often times on the weekend, I just write things that still need to get done. But this allows you to pause for a moment and remember to ENJOY your weekend. 🙂 .

Next, there is an hourly agenda for Saturday and Sunday.

Last, there is a “Next Week” section and a “Don’t Forget” section.

I absolutely love this planner. The size is perfect for packing around and pink and gold have been my colors lately.

If Target still has this planner I will try to link it here!  I did not see it online, but here is something similar . (CLICK HERE) . 

It seems to have the same interior but a different design on the outside.

If you have any questions, please leave them below.
Check out my youtube channel for more planner reviews!
Take some time and enjoy your weekend!!!

-Gracefully Fashionable Britt

My Obsession with My Day Designer – NEW Midyear 2018-2019 Mini Planner

I am a planner girl. I cannot go a day without my planner. I’ve actually been a planner girl pretty much my whole life. I remember being in elementary school and I would always write down my assignments each day and fill out my calendar every month. Seriously, I do not think that is normal for a 9 year old. 😉

I first found Day Designer at Target. I was a newly wed and trying to manage my life just out of a notebook and it was about to make me go crazy.


2018-2019 Midyear Day Designer planner


It was actually the same design I bought this year. Very Kate Spade like. 😉 I have now purchased this planner for the third year in a row. I actually considered and looked at other planners this year, just to see if there was anything better.

I asked my friends about their planners and even watched a few YouTube’s comparing different planners. But none of them had everything laid out like I wanted it, except my Day Designer. What can I say Day Designer has spoiled me. 😉

So what does the July 2018 – June 2019 look like?

I get the mini size; I have had the larger and still just prefer the size of the mini. That’s just a personal preference for me.

I love the hardback cover this planner had. I have traveled with this planner and use it every day and I have never had an issue with the cover becoming damaged. And trust me, I am not the most graceful. 😉

2018-2019 Midyear Day Designer Planner


You open the binder and it comes with two pages of adorable gold stickers to use through out your planner. Perfect! I actually do not use a lot of stickers in my planner but these are nice for special occasions.

Next you have two pages that introduce the planner as well as detachable ruler you can keep and use in your planner. I most likely will not use the ruler but it is nice to have if you need it.

The next 4 pages are goal oriented, which is great in planning your year. These pages focus on a reality check to see what you spend time and money on. There is a chart for your top 5 values, passions, and strengths. As well as charts to help meet your goals anywhere from three months to a year out. I think it is so important to look over these pages whenever you are feeling discouraged. They can be an encouragement to remind you what is really important.

The following two pages is a weekly layout to help plan out your weeks if you are interesting in creating a routine.


Check out my video review of this planner here!

2018-2019 Midyear Day Designer Review


The last two pages before the planner starts is a 2018 and 2019 year calendar, showing you a small monthly layout for each month that year.

One of the best things is that the planner starts out with the month of June! Thank you so much Day Designer for giving us that extra month. My last planner only went through May, so the thought of going a month without a planner was a little terrifying. 😉

My only dislike is that they did not give us a June 2018 calendar page. But that can be handled by printing off a June month calendar from the Internet. Crisis avoided!

My biggest love with the Day Designer is how the days are laid out.

2018-2019 Midyear Day Designer Planner

You have-

  • Today’s Top Three – which is three things you must get done

You have a section to write things like:

  • Due – like bills!
  • Dinner – I use this for my meal planning.
  • Dollars – I have never really used this here.
  • Don’t forget – always helpful for a reminder.

Next the middle part of the page is split into two sections:

  • A daily agenda from 7 am to 7 pm- very helpful when needing to write down specific times.
  • The second part of the page is a to-do list, which I use every day. I write down my chores for the house, or errands I need to run.
  • At the bottom of the page is a note section, which is also handy to write down things so you don’t forget.
  • Last part is a daily gratitude. I think this is one of the most important parts of the planner. Because even on our worse days, or days when we didn’t get anything on our list done, we always have something to be thankful for.


2018-2019 Midyear Day Designer Planner


Saturday and Sunday are a little different. They are both on the same page but there is still room for top three and daily agenda. Also, at the bottom there is a layout of small squares for each day next week. So that you can go ahead and write down anything that is important so you don’t forget next week.

My tip for Saturday and Sunday is to plan out your meals on the agenda. For example:

Breakfast – 8am – smoothie!

Lunch – 12pm – McAllister’s!

Supper –  6pm – Pizza!!!

I know that does not sound very healthy, but it sounds delicious. 😉 Also you can write down your to-do list on a separate small sheet of paper or just make little squared off sections on your agenda for your to-do list. I’ve done both ideas!

So I hope I have explained why I love my Day Designer so much. I’m pretty sure unless something better comes along; I am going to be buying this planner for the rest of my life. 😉 So check out the website for Day Designer!

Also, check out my YouTube channel for other planner reviews!

2017-2018 Midyear Day Designer Planner

2017-2018 Midyear Day Designer

(They actually have a print for this year similar to this print!)


Day Designer, Plan with me!

Plan with me, using my Day Designer!


Day Designer Planner

Check out my review of my full size Day Designer Planner

Happy Planning!


~ My Day Designer Planner ~

Day Designer Planner

Hey y’all! Happy Sunday! I love Sunday mornings, it is so nice to just sit down and relax. Usually on Sundays my husband and I sleep in some. We then usually eat a light breakfast then run out for errands.

Starbucks is one of our first stops. We only allow us to get Starbucks on Sundays, or we would go broke. 😉 My husband always asked me if I want to run by Target. He knows me too well. 😉

One thing that I always sit time for on Sundays is to use my planner. Now, once I got married I realized how much I need a planner. Just writing everything down in a notebook did not help me.

Check out my YouTube channel for videos on these planners!


So I found the brand Day Designer at Target and now they are the only brand planner I buy. And I have bought it for three years!


Day Designer Planner


My first one I loved the simple but chic design. It was pretty thin compared to the other two I have. That is because you planned your whole week out on two days. Now, the planners allow each day to have their own page.

Because I loved my first one so much, and I had started following Day Designer on social media, I looked online to purchase my next one!

The next one I got was the full size Day Designer. In a black and white spot print. One of my dream dogs to own is a Dalmatian, so that is what inspired me to get that print. 😉

This planner offered more room for writing. You had a two page calendar spread at the beginning of every month, plus a column on the side for notes. Each square for a day on the calendar was pretty spacious.

Day Designer Planner


Next each day of the week had its own page. Monday had its own page, Tuesday had its own page, you get the picture. 😉 Saturday and Sunday are the only days that share a page.


Day Designer Planner


Each weekly page allows room for your top three, due, dinner, dollars, don’t forget, to-do list, notes, daily gratitude, and section from 5am-9 am (7am. -7pm for smaller planners). All these sections help for planning my day!


Day Designer Planner


For this past year June 2017- May 2018, I purchased the smaller planner in a palm tree print. Now it was an adjustment going from the larger one to the smaller one, due to the size of the page. But I still love my planner.



This planner offered the same options as my first one did in the layout of the page. Also they have helpful planning pages in the beginning of the planner like a chart over your top 5 values, strengths, and passions, your goals for the year involving helping yourself, others, academics, resources, and career. These charts help you make three, six, nine, and year long goals. Plus pages for notes!

I would share pictures of these but mine currently have writing on them, and I don’t want to share all my secrets. 😉

Some of my favorite stickers I have gotten so far!  Thanks Meijer and Etsy!


Day designer is actually releasing their new mid-year prints today (Wednesday the 21st). as I’m writing this!  I will be repurchasing one again this year. The ones that I like so far are the new secret garden print, the rosey posey (if they offer that in mid-year), or the black stripe. I know the black stripe print is kind of basic, but it also reminds me of a Kate Spade print. (Also, only if they offer it in the mid-year option).

They do have a new palm tree print coming out Antigua, but I think I’m done with palm tree leaves for a while. So far these are the only prints I have seen they are releasing, so check the website for more options.

Lastly, I’m not sure if I will get the full size or the smaller size this year, I’m still debating. But I will share what ever I get on my instagram page! Check me out on there – gracefullyfashionable.

So for all my planner girls out there, I recommend checking out this brand! I forgot to mention, their price usually ranges from $50-$60 dollars.

Hope everyone has a great day planning!