Favorite Ways to Unwind After Stressful Day

how to unwind after stressful day

I don’t know about y’all, but April always feels like such a busy month. Whether you’re in high school or college and preparing for the semester to end. Or even at work having to learn or do new things. I just feel like stress always builds up right before summer.

Some of us are counting down our days till we go on vacation and some of us are simply counting down our days till Friday. No matter what your countdown is for, we all look forward to having some time off to relax and unwind.

Here are my favorite ways to unwind after a stressful day:

-1- As soon as I get off or home I treat myself – whether that is buying some Starbucks on the way home or making coffee at my house. I treat myself before I even change into my pajamas.

-2- Relaxing bath or shower. I currently can only take a shower but if I had a big bathtub I would light some candles, and take my coffee and soak in the tub. I also enjoy playing a peaceful or spa like sound on my phone with Pandora or Spotify.

-3- After my bath, I would put on a face mask. It makes me feel better knowing I’m helping my skin after a long week of wearing make up. I enjoy the Clarisonic Detoxifying Clay Mask.

-4- Put on my robe and go snuggle on the couch. This is where I might catch up on Youtube or Netflix or explore Pinterest. One tip I must never forget and helps me so much, is to put my phone up or turn my ringer off. It is so nice to detach from the constant beeping of my phone.

Other ways I like to unwind are:

-Sunset walks

-Go eat at your favorite restaurant

– Mani/Pedi

-Stop at Redbox and get that movie you’ve wanted to see

– Have a stay at home date with your husband


how to unwind after a stressful day

While reading this, I hope you all plan an evening, a day, or just a couple hours to de-stress and unwind. Maybe even start a count down on your phone for motivation. 😉

What are ways y’all unwind? Please share your thoughts below!

