What We Eat in a Day – Vegetarian & Gluten Free with my 15 month old.

What We Eat in a Day

Hey guys!  I wanted to share an update on how Milo has been doing since becoming a toddler.  I know a lot of people struggle to figure out what their kid likes to eat.  I feel like we have a more unique eating style since we are vegetarian and gluten free.  I wanted to share ideas for breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks!  And you get to see a little bit of our day.  😉


What We Eat in a Day

CLICK HERE to watch my vlog of our day!


what we eat in a day

  • We then eat breakfast around 8:30.  Milo usually eats either an egg muffin or some oatmeal with some fruit puree mixed in.
  • I drink a smoothie.  I mix one cup of blueberries, chop a banana, and add enough milk to cover the berries and banana.  Next add some greens, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, and peanut butter.  Then blend!what we eat in a day


  • Normally after breakfast we play inside, do some chores, and go for a walk.  The trees have been beautiful here!  I show some of the trees in my video above.  🙂what we eat in a day
  • We eat lunch sometimes as early as 11:30 am or as late as 1 pm.  I found the best gluten free veggie burger at Meijers, Dr. Praeger’s Mushroom Risotto.  Milo loves them too!  Today, he ate that cut up, some grapes, and some Cheeto like chips from Gerber.

what we eat in a day

what we eat in a day

what we eat in a day

what we eat in a day

  • At 6 pm we have supper.  I got this idea off Pinterest and tweaked it a bit to make it vegetarian and gluten free.
  • Cook some sweet potatoes for about an hour.  While the potatoes are cooking, saute an onion with some butter and water in a pan.  (I like my onions to get brown 🙂 )  Then cook some of the Quorn meatless Pieces in the oven, while the potatoes are cooking.  (I get these from Kroger).  Next cook some green beans.
  • Add them all together or however you prefer.
  • My husband and I actually love to mix Ranch Dressing with some barbeque sauce.  We then mix this sauce over our chicken!

what we eat in a day

We love to end the evening as a family in the living room.  Our house has the most perfect view of sunsets.  It’s such a special time to play with my little toddler and look out the window and see a beautiful painting in the sky from God.

I hope this blog post and video inspired some new meal/ snack ideas for you!

Happy Friyay!

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR – Motivation for SAHM

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

It’s funny how I now get excited to think of a whole hour to myself.  A whole sixty minutes.  Now that my son is a year, that is kind of rare… except at 5 am.  5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

Click here to watch my 5 am Peaceful Morning Routine for SAHM!

I started getting up at 5 am for a whole year while I was exclusively breast pumping.  If you would like to check out my blog post and video about my exclusively pumping tips and journey, CLICK HERE!

It was hard to get use to and at times I thought it was very unfair compared to my sleeping husband and son.  But I grew to love it.  It made me feel good having a whole hour to myself.

I didn’t have to worry about what my son was picking up, or if his diaper smelled bad.

I could do whatever I wanted UNINTERRUPTED!


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So I would start my morning by hooking up to pump.  I would snuggle under a blanket and watch WHATEVER I WANTED!

After I got done, I would drink some coffee.  Almost every morning I am surprised by a note my husband would leave for me on my coffee cup. It’s a fun tradition we have started about leaving sweet notes for each other.

Next, I would eat me something quick, I found this egg muffin recipe I love!

I am sure you can find the exact measurements on Pinterest.  You can ask my husband, I am not an exact measurement type of gal.  😉


5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

So crack a dozen eggs, throw them in a mixing bowl, add some milk, add some cheese, I love adding these soy bacon bits.  MIX MIX MIX

Cook for 20 minutes at 350 degrees

Now you have a quick breakfast to last all week!

5 am PEACEFUL MOM HOUR - motivation for SAHM

Oh I also love adding this everything spice to my egg muffin!  Click here!

Sometimes my mom hour is cut short due to having to work.

But if I do have a whole hour, here are some special things I like to do:


  1. Shower!  I love being able to not feel rushed.  I can take my time and pamper.  Click the video above to see more of my favorite shower products!

-This scalp scrubber is so nice! It adds a nice salon touch to my shower. I bought it off amazon – click here!

2. Light a candle!  During the summer, I have really enjoyed the ‘Fresh Cut Lilacs’ from Bath and Body Works.

3.  Read.  I enjoy reading something to inspire me to be healthy during the day.  I enjoy the book, “Eat Pretty Every Day.”  This book contains something to read every day about living a more healthy ,beautiful from the inside out, life.  

4. Youtube.  Sometimes I just binge watch all the videos I need to catch up on.

5. TLC for my nails.  I’m not sure if its from having to wash bottles so much or what.  But my nails have taking a beating.  I love the Sally Hansen Manicure Complete Care Polish.  Just one application and it made my nails look so much healthier and smooth!

6. Open the windows and enjoy the sunrise!

5 am Peaceful Morning Routine Motivation for SAHM


I debated showing a scene in my video about my mom hour.

I normally straighten the living room every night but the night before I was too tired.  We had recently gotten a new TV and the TV box was still in the room and Milo’s toys were all over the floor.

I decided to show the clip anyway.  I wanted you to be able to see what my actual real life mom hour looked like that morning.

It wasn’t perfect and that’s okay.  I decided to spend that hour resting, and loving on myself instead of going on a crazy cleaning spree. 

I had a wonderful peaceful mom hour while sitting in an uncleaned living room.  😉

I hope this helps give you some mom inspiration to take some time for yourself.

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt

Motivating Mommy Plan with Me for SAHM – check list & block schedules

motivating mommy plan with me

Even from a young age planners have always been one of my favorite things.  I was that girl in elementary school always filling out her calendar and assignments everyday.  While most kids lost their agenda’s, I never did.

Fast forward twenty years and planners are still one of my favorites.  I have loved the brand Day Designer for 5 years now.  It’s the first planner I got as a married women and I have not left the brand since.

motivating mommy plan with me

I recently just bought there 2020-2021 planner.  I have tried to find a link to share my planner with you.  I can not find it online.  My best advice is to go to your local target and check there planner aisle.  You can watch my video below to see more detail with what it looks like.  I hope to make a video & blog post soon to review my newest 2020-2021 planner.

Life with a baby completely changed my planner schedule.  Newborn to six months really wasn’t much of a change.  But with a nine month old, I had to figure out something to help save my never ending to do list.

I was feeling like I was failing.  I was only getting a couple things marked off my to-do list while adding more things every day.

I stumbled across this Over Achievers Creed.  

While I was constantly thinking of everything that needed to get done, I was forgetting the most important.

Keeping my nine month old ALIVE and HAPPY.

I know that sounds kind of silly.  But I seriously started writing that in my planner.  Keeping him alive and happy was taking up a good portion of my day AND it should.  That is my main job – a mother. 

Once I came to grips with that, I realized I was actually getting a lot done EVERY day.

motivating mommy plan with me

If you want to watch my video mommy plan with me – click here!


So two things I started to change with my agenda:


  1. Write down normal chores.

My super long to-do list was never getting done, and it was making me feel unaccomplished.  I then decided to start writing down things I was actually doing.

-Getting me dressed,

-Getting Milo dressed ( putting clothes on a 9 month old is not a two minute task 😉 ) 

-Unloading the dishwasher (once again with a baby, not always a simple task 😉 )

-Feed Milo

-Go for a walk

-Make a phone call


Once I saw what all I was doing, it made me see I wasn’t being a failure.  I was recognizing that those small tasks I was doing every day are a part of my routine now.  That routine takes time which should be scheduled into my day.

I also want to mention real quick, how important it is to rest.  I like almost every momma that reads this, constantly deal with the question – “He’s asleep – Do I try to clean the house, do work for my job, shower, eat, have some me time…”

Being a mom is a 24 hour job that even includes night shifts some times.  So schedule your rest!  It will make you feel so much better checking that one off the list!  And check out my blog post – If you love Jesus, take a nap!

2. Block Schedules!

I found a YouTuber named Jordon Page, who runs the YouTube channel and blog called, “Fun, Cheap or Free.”  She has 8 kids and has several videos on how she schedules her day.  She introduced me to block schedules

Block schedules are blocking off a certain time for certain tasks.

For examples, here is my 4 block schedule of time:

9 am – 12 pm – wake up, get ready, empty dishwasher, do a load of laundry, play with Milo, do some work during his nap, maybe run an errand.

12 pm- 2  pm– I plan nothing during this time other than lunch, breast pumping, and getting Milo to hopefully go down for his second nap.

-I have several blog post on my breast pumping journey if you are interested.  Click here to read all my tips and journey as an exclusively pumping breast feeding momma 

3 pm -5 pm– play with Milo, exercise, devotional time, REST!

7 pm -9 pm – Supper time, family time, maybe do a task while my husband can watch Milo, bath time, bed time.

I don’t always accomplish everything on my list.  So whatever I don’t accomplish, I just roll it over to the next day.

When it’s Friday and I didn’t accomplish everything, I decide if it is worth doing that on the weekend.  I often have another list of things I want to accomplish on the weekend.  I try not to put too much pressure on myself.

Whatever doesn’t get done there is always another week.

Do the best you can and be content with what you got done!

Once again check out my video where I explain a little more about my day.  CLICK HERE! 

I hope this was helpful to motivate mommies to see that even the small things we do every day count.


~ Gracefully Fashionable Britt