3 Thoughts One Year After Invisalign Treatment – Retainers & Schedules

3 Things I Wished I knew After Invisalign

Happy Friyay!  I believe it’s actually been a little over a year from my last Invisalign post.  There I discussed Three Things I wished I knew BEFORE Invisalign.  Click here if you would like to check it out!


3 things i wished i knew before invisalign


Now, I am one year after my treatment.  I am still very pleased with Invisalign and would recommend it based off how easy it is and less painful then the old style braces.  

Here is what I have learned AFTER my treatment:

  1. Clean your retainer! 

Retainers get pretty gross.  I normally rinse mine out after each night of wear, but super gross – they kind of get a smell.  I even sometimes would rinse them in Listerine, which I believe you are technically not suppose to do.  But I did it just for a few seconds.

Finally, I found some cleaning pods you put in a warm cup of water and let your retainers soak for 15 minutes. It is similar to denture cleaner.  I will link them here on Amazon.  They work well and I try to do that at least every 3-5 days.  

I did notice that there still seemed to be grime in my retainer,  no matter how much I rinsed them.  I thought I was going to have to go ahead and order a new retainer.  I couldn’t stand seeing how gross it looked and putting it into my mouth every night.  

I called my orthodontist and explained the situation.  They suggested I come in and have them clean it before I consider ordering another pair. 

Due to such a quick appointment, I took my toddler with me.  Thankfully, he was pretty good.  

They took my retainer and cleaned it while the orthodontist checked my teeth.  

When they gave me my retainers back the retainers looked MUCH better, NOT brand new, but better than I could clean them on my own.

2. Ordering a new Retainer

I remember when I first got my retainer, they offered a plan that I could get I believe two other retainers for around 500 dollars.  These could be my back -up retainers.

I was only ever given one retainer the first time I got braces, so I turned down their offer. 

When my retainers got so gross, I kind of wished I had accepted their offer.  

However, my orthodontist explained she rarely suggests ordering a new retainer unless you are getting holes in your current retainers.  She explained just to bring the retainer to them to clean or my dentist.  

I did not have holes in my retainer, so I just needed a good clean and not a new set.

3. My Retainer Schedule

I pretty religiously have worn my retainers every night up to a year after I was first given them. 

Then, due to the grossness, I decided to do every other night.  I believe I had read somewhere that wearing them every other night was okay once you had finished your years worth of every night wear.  

It actually works well for my teeth.  When I alternate nights, my retainer still slides in great and my teeth do not feel pressure from the night I missed.

Now, I continue this habit in hopes it will add length to how long this retainer will last.  

If you want to read more about my Invisalign journey – Click here – Invisalign – Braces for the Second Time.

Invisalign journey

I hope my one year after thoughts can be helpful if you are on an Invisalign journey.  It is a very slow progressing journey but I am very happy with my own results.  If you have any questions, please leave them below.

Happy Friyay!

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt

3 Things I Wished I Knew BEFORE Invisalign

3 things i wished i knew before invisalign

Happy Friyay!


I wanted to share with y’all my final thoughts on my Invisalign journey.

I wore Invisalign starting in July 2018- December 2019

Overall, I had a great experience with Invisalign.  As a former expander, night mask, 2 year braces wearing teen, Invisalign was a breeze for me.

If you want a more info, I’ll link my other two videos here!

Invisalign journey

CLICK HERE to watch – Invisalign- Braces for the Second Time


halfway point - invisalign

CLICK HERE to watch – Halfway point! Invisalign – the good, bad, and brown spots!?!

So here are the 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Invisalign:

3 things i wished i knew before invisalign

CLICK HERE to watch my video review!

1- The number of trays.

When I finally got my trays, I received 14 of them.  I then calculated in my head – 14 trays – > 2 weeks a tray -> 28 weeks – > yay! I’ll be done in less than a year!


My first set of 14 trays were used to close the larger gaps in my teeth.  Once, I finished those trays I thought, “Hmmmm my teeth are not as close as I would like them to be.”

My next orthodontist appointment, the orthodontist informed me, we will move to the next stage of refinement… and I received 10 more trays, which I changed out my trays every week.  Then I received 4 more trays.

So what I learned is there are different stages in Invisalign.  AND you do not get all the trays at once.

2 – The time it takes to get your trays.

To get fitted for your Invisalign, you have this long round wand they stick in your mouth and run along your teeth.  Tooth by tooth.  The wand then scans a digital image of your teeth onto an iPad looking screen.  This is completely painless but kind of annoying holding your mouth open during  the process.

This scan can go quickly or take eternity, it all depends on how well the machine is working that day.

It can take 2-4 weeks to get your trays.  I had to get scanned at each phase in my Invisalign journey.  So I got a new scan at 18 trays, 10 extra trays, 4 extra trays, and once I was finished.

So often times, while I was waiting for my new trays to come in, I would wear my most recent trays just at night.  So remember that sometimes you are waiting on trays.  Calculate that in if you are trying to figure out how long you will wear Invisalign 

3 – No permanent retainers!

I’m not 100% how often they even do these anymore, but I’m thankful to not have to try to floss around some permanent metal piece in my mouth.  Maybe that is just for my case.

I do have to wear night retainers for the rest of my life. 😉

So would I recommend Invisalign?

YES!  While my experience was longer than what I thought, I am very happy with my results and that I did not have to have metal all over my teeth again!


If you have any questions, leave them below!


Follow me on Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest!


Happy Friyay!



Halfway through my Invisalign Treatment.

I was a skeptic at first.  Could Invisalign really save my teeth?  I’ve always been super sensitive about my teeth.  Click here to watch my dental journey.

Underbite, gapped teeth, spacers, expander, braces – Could this magic invisible tray reproduce what all that metal shaped?

It probably took me to about the third tray until I started to be a believer.  I am now on tray 9 and 100% happy.  Highly recommend!



Click here to watch my Invisalign update!


I am feeling more and more confident with my smile.


So what have I learned from my halfway through experience:


  • Personally for me, the trays don’t hurt my teeth.  My teeth sometimes feel pressure but really no pain.
  • I have a really busy morning.  I drink a smoothie off-and- on most of the morning.  Since doing that I am not able to wear my trays.  I also slack off some in the afternoons ( I know!  I’m slightly ashamed!). My teeth seem to still be moving correctly!  I do wear them every night.
  • Be careful using Crest toothpaste.  I started to have brown spots form on a few of my teeth.  They were small, but noticeable to me.  I asked the orthodontist about it, because I was wondering if it was due to Invisalign.  She said some Crest toothpaste irritates people’s teeth.  As soon as I switched to Colgate – Gone!  No more spots!
  • TIP -Write the date that you are suppose to switch your trays on each packet they give you.
  • TIP – Make reminders on your iPhone calendar when you are suppose to switch out your trays!  It makes it so much easier to remember. 
I hope me sharing my experience helps y’all who are considering Invisalign.  I am very pleased and impressed with the results.  And it’s only taken about 6 months. 


If you have any questions, please leave the below!  Also follow my life journey on Instagram!

Wear your retainers!

~ gracefully fashionable ~