What’s in my Skip Hop Diaper Bag? (*Target Find*)

what's in my skip hop diaper bag

“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands.”  – Milton Berle

I chuckle at that quote while trying to find a unique quote to start this blog.  What better quote for a blog about needing your two hands.  That is why I recommend the diaper bag by Skip Hop.  I found it at Target.  Click here!  

I want to make this blog easy to follow so here is why I love this Skip Hop Diaper Bag:

  • I love backpacks and easy to carry bags.
  • Great design – doesn’t look too diaper baggy-y (new word!)
  • Organized sections.
  • Wide opening.
  • Black and Gold – perfect for boy or girl – also doesn’t even look like a diaper bag!
  • My husband will carry it with no shame!  #genderneutral 😉

If you want to see a more detailed explanation – Click here to watch my YouTube video!

what's in my diaper bag


I know there are tons of videos of what is in my diaper bag – so for a bit of a twist, I thought I would write things I forgot in my diaper bag.  

I even actually left one time COMPLETELY WITHOUT my diaper bag.  It was a serious sleepy mom moment. 😉

So things I have forgotten:

  1. Diaper bag (face palm moment!)
  2. Pacifier
  3. Burp cloth
  4. Change of clothes 
  5. Trash bags (for dirty diapers, or dirty outfits)

I now mentally go over this check list in my mind each time I pack my Skip Hop diaper bag.  If you can think of any other must-have-don’t- forget items please leave them below in the comments!

Check out my YouTube channel for more videos on my journey as a new mommy!

Happy Tuesyay!

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt

Chic Fall Backpack Purse… From Target!!!

fall backpack purse

Hey guys!

I wanted to share with y’all about my new backpack purse I got from Target.  This was actually the last one they had of this purse at my Target…. So I took it as a sign that it was destined for me. 😉

I had been in search for a backpack purse.  My sister had been carrying one for months and told me that I needed to get one. 

Check out my video review of my purse here!

Fall Backpack Purse


Here is the link to this purse.

CLICK HERE: It is the VR by Violet Ray Kendall Backpack. It was only $34.99! 


fall backpack purse

Here is my pro’s and con’s list for the bag:



-Love, Love, Love the color – Perfect for fall!

-Lots of room.

-Several pockets.  2 outside, 2 inside.

Con’s :

-The material is “faux-leather”.  When I put this backpack on, if I don’t move my hair out of the way, it gets caught in my hair.  What’s worse is that due to this material, it sticks to my hair.  This is not fun at all when it feels like it is pulling my hair.

-Adjusting the straps is a pain.  My husband had to help me.

-Floppy.  I actually don’t care for bags that don’t hold its structure when you sit it down.  This one as soon as you sit it down, it flops over.  Maybe if I carried more stuff it would do better. 


fall backpack purse

Overall, I was pretty happy with my purchase.  I’ve gotten a few compliments on the bag as well.  It is a great purchase for its price. 

I’m always searching for the next, great affordable bag, so leave your suggestions down in the comments!


-Gracefully Fashionable