New Love for Bible Journaling

New love for Bible Journaling

Hey guys!  I wanted to share with y’all a new love I discovered about a month ago.

September was Women’s Month at my church.  So the sweet Women’s Ministry leader challenged the women in our church to a 30 Day Bible Journal Challenge.  

It is where you sit down and pick a Bible verse.

Then you write the verse.  Writing the verse down helps memorization.  Its also fun using your favorite pen color and writing all fancy.  Or at least trying to.  😉 . Here are some of my favorite pens from Amazon!

New Love for Bible Journaling

You then study the verse.  I would read a few verses before and after the certain verse. 

I would then compare the verse in different versions using my phone app.  Versions I like are: NKJV, ESV, NIV.

I would also look at the foot notes section in a study Bible and write down any footnotes that stood out to me.  

New Love for Bible Journaling

After studying the verse, I would take a few moments to see how this can reflect in my life.  

Daily steps I might take or a topic I would focus on today.

To end my short devotional, I would write out a prayer.  I would ask Jesus to help me apply what I have learned from just one Bible verse.  

Here are some of my favorite things I have learned from studying just one verse a day.

zephaniah 3:17

Dear Jesus, 

“Please come into our home with your wisdom, guidance, and truth.” –  Psalm 127:1

Ps. 59:16

Dear Jesus, 

“Let me run towards you through growing in righteousness.” – Proverbs 18:10

1 Peter 1:14-15

Dear Jesus, 

“Thank you for your Son and Spirit.  Please allow your Spirit to grow more in me.”  – 2 Corinthians 3:17

3 John 1:11

Dear Jesus, 

“May every ‘step’ I take be pleasing unto you.”  – Ephesians 4:1

Matthew 7:17-20

Dear Jesus,

“Refresh my soul each day.” – Psalm 23:3

Jude 1:24

I am continuing journaling a Bible verse every day that I can.  I am not perfect so I miss some days.

New Love for Bible Journaling

I love this journal I found off amazon for less than $10!  I’ll link it here!

I want to encourage everyone to try this new habit of mine.  It can just take 10-15 minutes.  

I can personally say I have found so much wisdom and guidance just from reading one verse a day.  For a long time, I thought you had to be super studious and read a full chapter.

But just reading one verse a day, and taking some time to journal has taught me more and brought me closer to the Lord than many other devotional books I have read.  

Thankfully the Lord enjoys simplicity.  Love Him with your whole heart and just spend a few minutes each day.

Go read a Bible verse!

~Gracefully Fashionable Britt