What Candy Says Chocolates – Love! Will Repurchase Again!

Hey guys! I know this isn’t technically the post I was suppose to post today. And I feel bad for not getting out what I had sent in the email. By they way, if you haven’t signed up for my email newsletter, sign up now! I try to send out updates about my blog any other things that I believe is good to share. Like this post here, I actually already told my email group about this, but it was so good I had to share on my blog.

My husband and I recently had our 8 year anniversary, March 28th. We have been together for 5 years before marriage and married for 3 this coming July. This year I wanted to do something unique for our anniversary.

I honestly don’t even remember how I found this company on Etsy, but I am so thankful I did. It is the company called, “What Candy Says.” They make small square chocolates that you can put letters on and pretty much spell anything.

I ordered one that said “Happy Eight Years.” It even had jelly beans inside the chocolate. I actually didn’t know that until I bit into one. Silly me apparently didn’t read all the details. But that doesn’t matter, because the chocolate was DELICIOUS!

Here is a quick list of my Pros and Cons:

Pros– delicious! Absolutely yummy chocolate

– Packaging was great

– 3 free small samples with my order

– 3 cute post cards with stamps!

– Shipped in a timely manner

– They work with you to get what ever you want the candy to say

  – Will repurchase from this company again

Cons – I really did not have any complaints, highly impressed. However, it is a little on the pricey side. My order was $36 including shipping.

Y’all I know, this doesn’t have really anything to do with Fashion, but what fashion lover doesn’t also love chocolate? Also since I was so pleased with this purchase/ company, I had to share it with my blog.

So if you are looking for a unique gift, definitely go check out this store on Etsy. I plan on ordering a graduation gift and future birthday gifts from here.


Keep an eye out on my blog Sunday!  Hope to upload my post on my 3 favorite Spring outfits!  Check out my Instagram for more pics!